Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Birthday cake for my cousin

New experience everyday!

Yey! Baking cake for Nur Shahira @ Siti. Simple butter cake with blueberry cream filling and topping royal icing. It is for her 14th birthday.

I love the cake! The butter taste is so tempting! For the filling, I just added heavy cream with blueberry paste. The taste are just click! But, i still need to work on my finishing technique. Still horrible! Hope, I can achive it in next 2-3 months.

For butter cake recipe:
250 gm butter
230 gm sugar
4 large eggs
250 gm self-raising flour 
2 tsp vanilla essence
6 tbsp UHT milk

Heat oven 180 Cel. Mix butter and sugar. beat until white and fluffy. Add in eggs each  at a time, alternating it with flour. Add vanilla and milk. Pour batter in cake tine. Bake it!

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